Budgeting Essentials

Helping you master the practical essentials of Budgeting, Cash Flow, Accounting and Debt Relief.
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See yourself succeeding or struggling?

How are you looking at your debt relief journey? Do you see yourself succeeding or struggling?  However you see yourself will determine how your journey will turn out. Learn more in this week’s blog.


 Your focus determines your results. When you are focused on negative results, you will be drawn to negative results. Fortunately, when you focus on positive results, you will also be drawn to positive results. But how do you get your focus pointed in the right direction?  It all starts with your thinking. 

Your thinking moves you to action. Your thoughts determine your direction.  The direction you take provides scenery that will attract you and get your attention. 

Car buying is a great example of this. Have you ever noticed that when you start to consider a vehicle to purchase, the more you look around, the more you see and notice the model you’ve chosen?  It is not that there are more of that model on the road, it’s your thoughts, focus and direction pointing them out to you. 

Use this same principle with your debt relief journey.  To keep yourself motivated and moving toward being debt free, start by thinking about the specifics that give you positive results. 

Here are some possible specifics to start your thinking:

Supportive people

If you think you are going to keep running into people who are going to derail you, those are the people you will notice and have to deal with. Be prepared to deal with them, but don’t expect to run into them all the time. 

Think about people who will be supportive of your efforts. The ones who will cheer you on. Those are the type of people that you want to notice and be around. 

Positive outcomes

You need to expect to succeed on your journey. That means that you need to focus on good outcomes and expect them to happen. 

Don’t forget to look at your small victories. If you just focus on the end result, you won’t have any victories to sustain you along the way. A big win is made up of many small wins. You didn’t go out to eat. Your bills were under budget. You enjoyed going someplace free instead of paying for an activity. All these things add up to you succeeding on your journey. 

What you expect from yourself

You must see yourself making it through all obstacles that come your way. Expecting obstacles is not negative, it is realistic. It becomes negative when you don’t expect to overcome them. 

When you see yourself getting through all the obstacles that come your way, you will find solutions to issues that you never thought you would. Expect the best of yourself and you will get it. 

As you think and focus on the positive aspects of your debt relief journey, you will find yourself succeeding and overcoming problems more and more.

One of the best ways to focus your attention on the positive aspects of your debt relief journey is to make sure you have all the tools you need for your journey. Take my free debt relief workshop to make sure that you do!

If you loved this  blog post, get the next one by getting your name on the Debt Relief Journey blog list.  Don't miss out.

At www.BudgetingEssentials.com we want to help you become debt free.

Get my Free Personal Debt Reduction Workshop.  This workshop will begin to change the way you think about debt and spending For The Better Life you want now!

You’ll be amazed how free you feel without debt! And just imagine the things you could do if you had no debt!

Anything you tolerate becomes normal to you. When you stop tolerating debt, you increase your ability to function without it.  You can get yourself debt free. It will take some time, but the time you spend is worth it!- Dan Heiland

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God Bless your week!


© 2019 Dan Heiland 2019 Kat Heil, LLC

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