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Draw on Dan Heiland's nearly 40 years of experience in Accounting, budgeting, cash flow and debt reduction.
Learn from that experience through easy to understand blogs, videos and classes.
"Anything you tolerate becomes normal to you. When you stop tolerating debt and lack, you increase your ability to function without it. You can get yourself debt free. It may take you some time, but the end is worth it!"- Dan Heiland
K.D. from Minnesota said:
"Dan takes his time describing each step. He helped me to really 'get' Budgeting & Excel!"
Jeanne says:
"Dan Heiland’s number one skill is relaying information in a way that the ‘receiver’ can understand. When Dan was our accounting manager, he was able to explain why and how something worked in a way that a non-accounting person could understand. Dan has so many wonderful business skills: professionalism, follow-up, multi-tasker, seasoned, I could go on and on!"
Frank says:
"In my opinion your number one skill is your quiet but strong focus and determination to complete whatever problem is given to you. You would stay with an issue until resolved no matter the length of time. Your loyalty to a cause was appreciated."
Tim says:
"Dan is the kind of person you can count on and a person that is a role model."
Rick says:
"Dan is detailed, organized and very thorough in his personal and work habits.
Amid some difficult challenges, Dan displayed a level of calm and resolve that are evniable. I also witnessed Dan's ability to be creative and flexible in problem solving his way to a solution."
John says:
"A leader needs to be someone trust worthy, hard working, leads by example and by serving others, and someone that will work tirelessly towards the development of those that work under him. Dan has all of those qualities."